
Learning CSS by going through a rabbit hole.

September 03, 2022

One of my co-workers posted a seemingly simple CSS quizz. Given the CSS below, What background color will the div end up with? blue red default // transparent Any guesses? Keep scrolling for the answer. ..................... The correct answer was…

Let the computer do the formatting

January 14, 2019

When I was first introduced to Prettier by my friend Mr. Ishan ‘Fishy’ I couldn’t understand what the big deal was. We already had linters that would catch errors and do some automated formatting like adding semicolons. And some text editors had…

Building Blocks of Web Components

January 06, 2019

In a previous article we discussed what Web Components are and how they can be useful for your project. In that I mentioned that they are made out of four main components. In this article, we will take a look at these four building blocks that make…

A Simple Introduction to Web Components

January 04, 2019

If you have been doing web development for in the recent past, you must have heard of this new thing called web components. You may know that it has something to do with creating HTML elements and that there are some related libraries such as Polymer…

What the heck is User Experience(UX)?

September 24, 2017

User Experience, (UX for short)— it’s a pretty popular subject these days. But at the same time, it’s often not well understood. I like many other developers had rough idea of what it is but didn’t know fuss was all about. It’s a bit like the word…